I had a Dream in Red Intallation, moving-image room size(5.8 x 7.6m) ready-made washing machine(repeating automatically a 3min slow rotation washing program), various fabric, soil, moss, feather from a died pigeon, plaster, electronic servor 2023
I had a Dream in Red presents a fake dreaming scene where the two main elements: crocodiles and washing machine encountered and be in tension.
As a maker I always have a fear of a violence which will destroy my creation and my thoughts through a normalized and standardized process. Within this installation, the washing machine which keeps running by itself is a metaphor for the powerful, destructive forces that maintain their "cleanliness" of a system. This cleanliness represents a standard norm. Anything that does not conform to this standard Is eliminated. I modified a real machine which keeps running forever. It's also an element to imply the violence beneath an ordinary life.
The crocodile is the counterforces I imagined , which then began to overlap in my mind with the memory of a dusty plush crocodile from my childhood room. Drawn by the smell of blood, crocodiles came out from the soft exterior one after another. After a long absence, submerge themselves in water. They silently observes the spinning of the machine, faint vibrations from underwater reaches their skin.