Star swap research & social intervention outcome presented by a solo exhibition collected objects, paper, photo Het paviljeon, Ghent, BE 2024
Star swap is an experimental social research/intervention on the symbolism of the five-point star during my residency at Ghent, Belgium. The research is made through cutting stars from daily objects and exchanging them with people on the street.
To pick the location of exchanging, I use one of the star to draw the shape on a map of Ghent I got for free from the tourist office. I went to the five location refer to five point of the star on the map and spend from 13h-18h to exchange the stars with pass-bys.
I got all the material from kringloopwinkel (second-hand shop) in Ghent. And cut stars from those daily objects. Through this project, I also want to explore if swap can be a more ecological way to create or to research.
At the end of residency, I present all the things I swapped from people on a pedestal, and text on those objects and the conversations. The words are visible from both sides of the window. From outside, you can see the objective description of the swapped objects/thoughts. From inside, there are more personal insights from the giver.